
How we ensure that your cards are sent on time

When you send a card from Rubber Chicken Cards, the notice to your friend and family member, goes through a trusted email delivery company called "SendGrid."  We have a dedicated server with that company to guarantee delivery.  SendGrid delivers over 2% of the non-spam emails in the world for companies like Spotify, Uber, and Pinterest... and of course Rubber Chicken Cards

Every now and again, the browsers, like AOL or Chrome or Safari, might change their settings and cards have stalled in delivery.  Know that RC Cards will have done everything in its power to make sure that our sending is smooth.

Once again, our job is to deliver your mail and your good wishes to your friends and family members.  We care deeply and are very upset when things go wrong.  And occasionally they do go wrong.

If you think that a card has not gone out, please check your recently sent cards at the bottom of your "My Account" page.



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